Say goodbye to your razor, ingrown hairs and waxing! Over fifteen years of expertise with the gold standard of lasers for ALL skin types!

Get ready for smooth, silky skin and no more razors! The innovative laser hair removal technology thankfully brought the end of an era for cumbersome and painful hair removal techniques such as waxing, plucking, shaving and electrolysis. Those costly, archaic techniques did not provide the lasting smooth, kissable skin produced by laser therapy.

Hela Medical Spa Georgetown Washington DC Laser Hair Removal procedures are safe and proven effective for men and women of all ages who struggle with extra hair on their legs, chest, arms, shoulders, abdomen, bikini region, neck, nostrils, buttocks, sideburns or ears. 

This luxurious grooming technique of LHR takes anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour or more, depending on the amount of hair targeted. Note that the laser energy can only destroy hair follicles undergoing the growth phase, so multiple treatments are required for comprehensive improvement. Patients benefit from multiple sessions spaced apart. Each time hair growth will be finer, thinner and less over time. Soon, silky, stubble-free skin is achieved and maintained long term. Come in for the BEST laser hair removal Washington DC has to offer.

Before booking your first session, please text us at 202.333.4445 the answers to the following questions. This will help us determine which type of laser we should use for you for best results with your skin type.

1) What is your skintone/ethnicity? 

2) After exposure to the sun, do you a) always burn, never tan b) always burn, sometimes tan c) sometimes burn, sometimes tan d) always tan, never burn?

We recommend that you NOT wax, pluck or tweeze the area being treated for at least 4 weeks prior to the treatment. However, we DO ask that you shave prior to the treatment; this will help make the treatment more comfortable, so that we can target the hair at the follicle level. You also want to make sure that you do not have significant sun exposure / sunburn / tanning a couple weeks before and after treatment. We cannot perform the treatment if you have recently tanned (including spray tan) in the area being treated. Most people can expect to see about a reduction in hair after each treatment. We recommend a series to everyone as you will need touch ups. We practice safety and so we draw a safe line at no LHR during pregnancy and breast feeding.

We offer brazilian and bikini laser hair removal services for females only. 

Pre-Appointment Instructions 
Please arrive to your appointment clean shaven! Click here for full pre and post instructions!
