Skin Resurfacing

Skin resurfacing treatments damage skin in a controlled way, encouraging the body’s natural healing process to repair the damage, and minimizing the appearance of a variety of skin-related concerns. Skin resurfacing typically induces two kinds of reactions in the skin: ablation or coagulation.

Ablative procedures generally take a longer time for recovery. When the entire epidermal layer on the face is ablated, this translates into a treatment that is more intense and typically requires a longer downtime.

Coagulation procedures include fractional non-ablative lasers, radio frequency, and HIFU. This process heats deeper layers of the skin to stimulate neocollagenesis, rejuvenating the collagen fibers.

Skin resurfacing treatments can produce amazing results, shown to be successful at treating a variety of skin concerns, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars, rosacea, stretch marks, enlarged pores, uneven texture, and other skin imperfections. Book your consultation today! Text 202.333.4445